Anti Abortion Movements Want to Control Women’s Minds, Not Just Their Bodies

Reproductive rights aren’t just about giving women control over their own bodies, they’re also about recognising women as intelligent beings, capable of making their own moral choices.

Stark Raving
4 min readFeb 25, 2019


This time last year, in Ireland, the debate around whether or not to legalise abortion was in full swing. Walking through the streets, it was impossible not to be bombarded with other people’s opinions on the matter. The stylish young women with colourful hair that marched from Dublin city centre to the airport, calling for the 8th amendment, which outlawed abortion in almost all cases, to be repealed.The group of men handing out “No” leaflets somewhat ironically standing around the Spire, arguably the most phallic symbol in Dublin. A man dressed as a priest, brandishing a plastic model of a fetus and yelling that abortion was murder, and the men and women surrounding him, shouting support or insults. Dramatic posters on every other lamppost. Vote No or Babies will Die. Vote Yes and save the lives of women like Savita. The campaign was everywhere, and everyone seemed to think they knew the truth on the matter.



Stark Raving

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