Depression is Like Having the Worst Roommate Ever

They are sloppy and mean and live in your brain rent-free.

Stark Raving


Jason Yoder on Unsplash

The term “Me-time” refers to the pleasant experience of taking a break from the outside world, a dedicated block of time to take care of yourself. Clearly, the person who invented me-time did not have depression. In the darker times of my life, spending time alone with myself was the worst thing I could possibly imagine.

Having depression is a lot like being followed around by a snide bully who keeps insulting you. “Really? You’re gonna wear that?” “What did you just say? Cringe!!“Oh my god, you’re such a loser. No wonder everyone hates you.”

You try to drown out their remarks by keeping busy, but their undesired company makes the activities you love feel unbearable. You return home, hide yourself beneath your quilt. They find you. Cosy up next to you. “I’m the only one you have, anyway,” they say. “Have you put on weight, by the way?”

In my case, I barely noticed that my bully was gradually moving in to my brain. At first, she stayed on the couch for a night or two at a time. Then she started forgetting to go home. It became impossible to throw her out. Even though she was the worst roomate, ever. She never paid rent, left a mess everywhere, wouldn’t let me shower, won’t let me clean up…



Stark Raving

Intersectional feminism and environmental issues. Let’s make the world a kinder, more sustainable place. Support my work!