Five “Uncool” Hobbies That Have Made a Comeback

Younger generations are all about the geek chic and have given a new breath to unfashionable pastimes.

Stark Raving


Photo by Andrej Nihil on Unsplash

Cool girls cross-stitch feminist statements onto tea towels.

Sexy boys dig through bins of vintage clothing to find unique, quirky clothes.

Ditching the bar to play Dungeons and Dragons in a basement on Friday evenings is no longer a shameful secret but a pleasure to be captured in selfies and posted to your story.

Over the past few years, a major shift has taken place. Hobbies that used to be associated with generations gone by, or social outcasts, have entered the mainstream. Young people are celebrating nerdiness, crafts, and lowkey, homely activities.

I love seeing this revival because it shows a renewed interest in enjoying experiences rather than material possessions. It shows that people are slowing down, doing things with their hands and enjoying the process rather than constantly hunting for the next dopamine hit to purchase.

It shows that social media has successfully destigmatised being an introvert, being a nerd and taking part in therapeutic activities. It is proof that for many people, the shift to more sustainable living isn’t a chore but a cure for much…



Stark Raving

Intersectional feminism and environmental issues. Let’s make the world a kinder, more sustainable place. Support my work!