The Problem With Vagina Glitter

Some things shouldn’t go up there.

Stark Raving
2 min readOct 20, 2022


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Why vagina glitter? You ask.

Well, why the hell not?

Of course, vaginas are beautiful just the way they are, however they are, and need no vajazzling.

That being said, glitter is fun. It’s a laugh. It’s silly and shiny and makes everything feel a bit more festive. And because sex should be playful. It is why, one of the first things I would do if I had a willy would be to have an erotic fencing session with glow-in-the-dark condoms.

Don’t Feed the Gremlins

Anyway, I’m not entirely sure what succession of strange, possibly stoned thoughts led me to be investigating vagina glitter — also known as clitter. I was excited to find out about these little glitter capsules that you put up there, and then the capsule dissolves, and you can rain glitter down like a queer monsoon.

Sadly, it turns out that a lot of body-safe glitters are made out of sugar. And sugar is not something that should be put up your vagina, because you are basically turbo-charging the ecosystem up there, which can easily lead to an infection.

“The vagina contains a delicate balance of good bacteria, which are there to protect it,” Dr Vanessa Mackay, spokesperson for Britain’s…



Stark Raving

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