The Revolutionary Power of The Female Friendship

Female Friendships vs. The World

Stark Raving
4 min readApr 20, 2019


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

My girlfriends are like my feminist lifecoachs, in that they remind me, when I badly need to be reminded, that I am allowed to apply feminism to my own life. That I have value. And that as well as fighting for women, for every other woman, I am also allowed to fight for myself. My friendships are a feminist force, and some of the most important, deep, relationships of my life. They feel, sometimes, like my very foundation.

I am on the road again. I’ve left Paris, after talking for so long about doing it. So I’ve just gone through a few weeks of goodbyes, to places and faces, and it really brought home to me just how important those friendships are to me — how they are so much a part of me that I’d taken them for granted, hadn’t even realised I was leaving them, and how beautiful the love between me and my female friends is. I realised how much I would miss our moments of gossiping, getting angry about sexism, encouraging each other not to accept less than we deserve, helping each other know how to react to a society which still doesn’t like women… I realised, and it elevated me, how wonderful it was to have women who are there for me, and a kind of kindness that takes my breath away each time, and an amount of love that is just not quantifiable. I don’t know how female friendships…



Stark Raving

Intersectional feminism and environmental issues. Let’s make the world a kinder, more sustainable place. Support my work!