We Need Activism Now More Than Ever

Biden’s election doesn’t mean we can let our guard down.

Stark Raving
3 min readNov 11, 2020


Image by TeeFarm from Pixabay

The past few decades have seen huge steps forwards in the political rights and social status of women, LGBTQ+individuals, and people of color. Things are still terrible today, and new challenges have arisen to take the place of the old, but in general, there has been progress for communities that aren’t white male straight and cis-gendered. A sure sign of this progress is the backlash that has accompanied it —the fact that white men are scared of losing their unfair privileges, it’s a sure sign that there is something to be scared of.

One thing is often forgotten by those that have liberal tendencies ideologically, but aren’t activists: the fact that this progress has never happened on its own. I often hear things like, “things are getting better,” or “look how far we’ve come” or “women will earn as much as men soon, just be patient,” but this sentiment completely negates the reality of the progress of the past decades: that every single step, however minute, has only happened because people fought tooth and nail for it.

And those people who are fighting for it have risked their lives and livelihoods to do so — just like during the Black Lives Matter movement today. The problem of police violence and of racism in general isn’t just going…



Stark Raving

Intersectional feminism and environmental issues. Let’s make the world a kinder, more sustainable place. Support my work! https://starkraving.medium.com/members